
Uganda Technical college Kyema has departments both academic and non academic  where different courses offered by students fall in academic departments.

Academic departments

  • Civil department which comprises of students offering courses like National diploma in Civil, Water Engineering and Architecture both on Diploma and Certificate level.
  • Electrical department which comprises of students offering National diploma in Electrical and Mechanical engineering both on Diploma and Certificate level.
  • Accounting department which is responsible for balancing and collecting all tuition paid by students. 

Non Academic department

  • Store which is responsible for keeping all school properties plus requirements brought by students like toilet papers
  • Cleaners who are responsible for keeping the college compound, Toilets and Urinals clean.
  • Cooks who are responsible for preparing meals for the students and administration members.
  • Security guards who are responsible for providing security to the entire college.  

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About UTC-Kyema

Uganda Technical College Kyema-Masindi District Welcome to Uganda Technical College Kyema in Masindi which was started with the aim of l...